Image of scientist taking notes.

2008 Vannevar Bush Faculty Fellows 


Connie Chang-Hasnain

UC Berkeley
Optoelectronic Devices

Nanostructured Materials for Low Power,
Light Weight, High Performance Electronic
and Optoelectronic Devices

Diana Huffaker

Optoelectronic Devices

Exploring Dissimilar and NanoMaterials
Integration as a Platform for New
MWIR Device Functionality

Stephen Mayo

Protein Engineering

Engineering Proteins for
Anti-Viral Applications

 Chad Mirkin

Northwestern University

Functional 1D Structures Based
Upon On-Wire Lithography

Margaret Murnane

U Colorado Boulder
Ultrafast X-Ray

Development of High Power Ultrafast Lasers
and Applications in Hyerspectral
Imaging and Nanotechnology

Carey Priebe