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2014 Vannevar Bush Faculty Fellows 

Click profile pictures to learn more about each Fellow's research


Susan Coppersmith

University of Wisconsin-Madison
Quantum Sciences

Towards Scalable Quantum Computation
with Electrically-gated Silicon
Quantum Dot Qubits

Christopher Dwyer

Duke University
(currently unaffiliated)

Molecular-scale Energy Transport and
Computational Phenomena Enabled
by DNA Nanotechnology

Gregory Engel

University of Chicago
Quantum Science

Transcribing Quantum Information
Using Quantum Dynamics of
Coherent Materials

 Jian Luo

UC San Diego
Applied Mathematics

Development of Interfacial Phase Diagrams
for the Materials Genome Initiative:
Tailoring the Processing and Properties
of Materials for Defense Applications

Chad Mirkin

Northwestern University 

Functional Crystals Through Encodable
Hard and Soft Matter

Charan Ranganath

UC Davis

Decoding and Enhancing Neural
Mechanisms for Episodic Memory

Kaushik Roy