LUCI: Laboratory University Collaboration Initiative
Defense-University Partnerships Driving Innovation

LUCI is a program that supports collaboration between DoD lab scientists and DoD-funded academics. An important objective of this phase of LUCI is to engage leading university scientists and their students, introduce them to the DoD research environment, and facilitate collaborative work that addresses long-term DoD basic research needs. 

Historically, basic research in universities is often the source and engine for technological advancements and innovations.  The LUCI program strives to capitalize on the unfettered curiosity driven research and innovative spirit of universities by focusing their energy and ideas on defense research.  This is realized by a partnership with a scientist at a DoD research laboratory, whose primary job is to bring better capabilities to the Future Warfighter. The scientific topic areas that LUCI supports are in applied mathematics, cognitive neuroscience, engineering biology, novel engineered materials, quantum information science, manufacturing science, and other areas of interest.

The LUCI program adds value to the defense enterprise by funding high risk basic research projects and providing adequate time to DoD researchers to cultivate their ideas for long term research. This investment results in new knowledge and insight that can be used to fill capability gaps, generate patents, bring in human capital to the defense research enterprise, and build stronger relationships with academic researchers.

FY26 LUCI Webinar


 Important Dates:




RunGrants site open for white papers and supporting documents submission and Webinar

 24 January 2025


Final date/time for submission of white papers and supporting documents

 30 April 2025

 11:59 PM Eastern Daylight Time

Notification of white paper selections for interviews

 13 June 2025*


 Interview period

 18 - 28 August 2025*


 Notification of selections for award

 29 August 2025*


 Start date of project

 01 October 2025*



*These dates are estimates as of the date of this announcement. Please be mindful of the limited scheduling opportunities for the interview phase and plan accordingly.

FY24 LUCI Webinar
To view the FY24 LUCI webinar presentation, click





Meet the LUCI Fellows

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Expand List item 2778Collapse List item 2778  

2025 LUCI Fellows




Anesia Auguste

Air Force Research Laboratory
Soft Materials and Multiscale Structures

Alexander Pankonien

Air Force Research Laboratory
Other Fields of Research

Philip Buskohl

Air Force Research Laboratory
Other Fields of Research

Maxwell Gregoire

Air Force Research Laboratory
Electronics, Photonics and
Quantum Materials
Jason Soares

U.S. Army Combat Capabilities
Fundamentals of Bio-engineering
Jordan Whitman

U.S. Army Combat Capabilities
Fundamentals of Bio-engineering

Anthony Fragoso

U.S. Army Engineer Research
Networks and Artificial Intelligence

Eunice Paik

Army Research Laboratory
Electronics, Photonics and
Quantum Materials
Christopher Kuhs

Army Research Laboratory
Electronics, Photonics and
Quantum Materials
Michael Swift

Naval Research Laboratory
Quantum Information Science
Noam Bernstein

Naval Research Laboratory
Materials Science
Edwin Antillon

Naval Research Laboratory
Materials Science
Joseph Fiordilino

Air Force Research Laboratory
Applied Mathematics and
Computational Science
Paula Chen

Naval Air Warfare Center 
Networks and Artificial Intelligence
Kenneth McClain

Naval Air Warfare Center
Electronics, Photonics,
and Quantum Materials
Benjamin Harvey

Naval Air Warfare Center
Electronics, Photonics,
and Quantum Materials
Adam Dunkelberger

Naval Research Laboratory
Electronics, Photonics,
and Quantum Materials
Alexander Efros

Naval Research Laboratory
Electronics, Photonics,
and Quantum Materials
John Lyons

Naval Research Laboratory
Electronics, Photonics,
and Quantum Materials
Kirubel Teferra

Naval Research Laboratory
Applied Mathematics and
Computational Science


Expand List item 671Collapse List item 671  

2023 LUCI Fellows





Ibrahim Boulares
Army Research Laboratory

Vail Owen 

Army Research Laboratory

Patrick Callahan 

Naval Research Laboratory

Keith Knipling 

Naval Research Laboratory

James Delehanty
Naval Research Laboratory
Cognitive Neural Science

Mulugeta Haile
Army Research Laboratory

William Kennedy
Air Force Research Laboratory

Dass Chandriker 

Air Force Research Laboratory

Manoj Kolel-Veetil

  Naval Research Laboratory



Spencer Olson

Air Force Research Laboratory
Quantum Information Science



Steven Rodriguez

Naval Research Laboratory
Applied Math

Meagan Small

Army Research Laboratory
Fundamentals of Bio-engineering


Jordan Baumbach 

Army Research Laboratory
Fundamentals of Bio-engineering
Corey Trahan
United States Army Corps
Mark Loveland 

United States Army Corps 
Tanya Tschirhart

Naval Research Laboratory
Fundamentals of Bio-engineering




Expand List item 506Collapse List item 506  2021 LUCI Fellows


Luke Baldwin

Air Force Research Laboratory
Engineered Materials and Structures


Jorge Benavides

Air Force Research Laboratory
Fundamentals of Bioengineering


Janice Boercker
Naval Research Laboratory
Engineered Materials and Structures


Sang-Yeon Cho

Army Research Laboratory
Electronics, Photonics, and Quantum


Luke Johnson

Naval Research Laboratory


Patrick Taylor
Army Research Laboratory
Electronics, Photonics, and Quantum


Stanislav Tsoi

Naval Research Laboratory
Electronics, Photonics, and Quantum


Dashiell Vitullo
Army Research Laboratory
Quantum Information Science

Cyril Williams

Army Research Laboratory



Suya You

Army Research Laboratory
Networks and Artificial Intelligence





Expand List item 276Collapse List item 276  2020 LUCI Fellows


Steve Kim

Air Force Research Laboratory
Engineering Biology


Chase Ellis

Naval Research Laboratory


Janice Boercker
Naval Research Laboratory


Ramakanth Munipalli

Air Force Research Laboratory
Applied Mathematics


Lawrence Drummy

Air Force Research Laboratory
Quantum Information Sciences


Vladimir S. Malinovsky
Army Research Laboratory
Quantum Information Sciences


Adam Friedman
Laboratory for Physical Sciences


Christopher Richardson
Laboratory for Physical Sciences


Philip Buskohl

Air Force Research Laboratory





Expand List item 120Collapse List item 120  2018 LUCI Fellows

Nathaniel Bridges

Air Force Research Laboratory
Cognitive Neuroscience


Katherine Brodie

Oceanography/Remote Sensing


Matthew Dickerson

Air Force Research Laboratory
Additive Manufacturing &


Alexander Efros 

Naval Research Laboratory
Nanophotonics/2D Materials

John Lyons

Naval Research Laboratory
Nanophotonics/2D Materials
 Elizabeth Goldschmidt

Army Research Laboratory
Quantum Sensing
Michael Goodson

Air Force Research Laboratory
Synthetic Biology 
Mark Griep

Army Research Laboratory
Michelle Johannes

Naval Research Laboratory
Topological Materials

Keith Knipling

Naval Research Laboratory
High-temperature Structural
Matthew Marge

Army Research Laboratory
Human-Machine Interaction

Gordon Briggs

Naval Research Laboratory
Human-Machine Interaction




 Additive manufacturing and self-assembly


 Additive manufacturing and self-assembly
Expand List item 121Collapse List item 121  2017 LUCI Fellows

Noam Bernstein

Naval Research Office
Electronic Materials

Jared Culbertson

Air Force Research Laboratory
Applied Math/ Robotics

Derek Doyle

Air Force Research Laboratory
Additive Manufacturing

Cameron Good

Army Research Laboratory
Biocompatible Electronics 

Danhong Huang

Air Force Research Laboratory
Applied Math/ Quantum Materials

Lance Kaplan

Army Research Laboratory
Network Science

Brittany Lynn

Space and Naval Warfare

Igor Mazin
Naval Research Office
Electronic Materials

Richard A. McKinley

Air Force Research Laboratory
Cognitive Neuroscience

Frank Narducci

Naval Postgraduate School
Quantum Information Science/ Sensing

Colin Olson

Naval Research Laboratory
Applied Math/ Compressive Sensing

Expand List item 122Collapse List item 122  2016 LUCI Fellows

Bryn Adams

Army Research Laboratory
Synthetic Biology 

Blair Connelly

Army Research Laboratory

Charles R. “Chip” Eddy, Jr.

Naval Research Laboratory
Novel Semiconductor Growth

Patrick Folkes

Army Research Laboratory
Topological Insulators

Anindya Ghoshal

Army Research Laboratory
High-Temperature Propulsion Materials

Sarah Glaven

Naval Research Laboratory
Synthetic Biology

C. Stephen Hellberg

Naval Research Laboratory
Electronic Materials

Berend “Berry” Jonker

Naval Research Laboratory

William Mattson

Army Research Laboratory
Quantum Simulation

Igor Medintz

Naval Research Laboratory
DNA Based Nanomaterials

Joseph S. Melinger

Naval Research Laboratory
Light Harvesting and Transfer

Mike Osofsky

Naval Research Laboratory
Electronic Materials

Ronald Polcawich

Army Research Laboratory
Piezoelectric Structures

Marc Raphael

Naval Research Laboratory

Manuel Vindiola

Army Research Laboratory
Neuromorphic Processing

Amir I. Zaghloul

Army Research Laboratory