Department of Defense Historically Black Colleges and Universities/Minority-Serving Institutions (HBCU/MI) Program

The Department of Defense (DoD) Historically Black Colleges and Universities and Minority-serving Institutions (HBCU/MI) Program is authorized by Title 10 United States Code (U.S.C.) Section 4144, Research and educational programs and activities: historically black colleges and universities and minority-serving institutions of higher education. The DoD HBCU/MI Program provides support to covered educational institutions to assist the Department in defense-related research, development, testing, and evaluation (RDT&E) activities. The DoD HBCU/MI Program uses the statutory authorities to pursue the following objectives:

1) Enhance the research and educational capabilities of institutions in science and technology areas of importance to national defense 

2) Encourage the participation of institutions in RDT&E programs and activities of the DoD

3) Increase the number of graduates from such institutions engaged in disciplines important to the national security functions of the DoD, and

4) Encourage research and educational collaborations with other institutions of higher education, Government defense organizations, and the defense industry. 

This program is coordinated with the Service research offices, and partners with DoD laboratories for the Centers of Excellence. For more information about the program, please contact the program director, Mrs. Evelyn Kent, by clicking here.


DoD HBCU/MI Program Awards 

The Department of Defense (DoD), through the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering (OUSD(R&E)), announced awards to 98 university researchers at Historically Black Colleges and Universities and Minority-Serving Institutions (HBCUs/MIs) totaling $50.1 million as part of the fiscal year 2024 merit-based competition under the DoD HBCU/MI Research and Education Program.  The competitive awards support the acquisition of equipment for research projects in scientific disciplines of critical importance to DoD. 

DoD HBCU/MI Student Internship and Faculty Fellowship Program    

The DoD HBCU/MI Summer Research Internship Program aims to increase the number of scientists and engineers throughout the Department of Defense. The initiative encourages students in STEM disciplines, guides them toward advanced studies, and prepares them for careers in science and engineering fields important to the defense mission. Motivated students, both undergraduate and graduate, are placed for a 10-week research experience at DoD facilities across the nation. Under the supervision of DoD scientists and engineers, students conduct research relevant to the defense mission.


2025 Summer Research Internship Program Dates: May 27, 2025, to August 9, 2025
Application period closes: January 19, 2025

Faculty Fellowship Program

The DoD HBCU/MI Faculty Fellowship Program aims to strengthen the collaboration between the DoD and STEM faculty affiliated with HBCU/MI. Participation requires a commitment of ten consecutive weeks between May 1st and August 31st.  A housing and travel allowance is available for eligible participants. Selected Faculty Fellows will participate in research at one of five Army Research Lab Directorates. 


Funding Opportunity Announcements is the common website for DoD and the other 25 federal grant-awarding agencies to post discretionary funding opportunities and for entities to search and apply for them. For more information on finding DoD grants and cooperative agreement funding opportunities, please view Fact Sheet, here.


Funding Opportunity Announcements currently posted to


Technical Assistance
The OUSD(R&E) provides technical assistance workshops as part of a series of training and educational activities intended to provide program, process, and funding opportunity information to HBCUs/MIs. The workshops focus on both Department of Defense funding opportunities and best practices in writing effective technical proposals. Representatives from the Office of the Secretary of Defense, Army, Navy, Air Force, and other Federal Agencies, present funding opportunity information along with sharing insights on writing competitive proposals in response to Broad Agency Announcements and other funding opportunities.